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The Sims 4 Wiki

The tech guru career is one of the career tracks from The Sims 4 base game. After being promoted from level six, Sims will be able to choose one of the two career paths: esport gamer or start-up entrepreneur.

"Who needs college with programming skills like yours? Opportunity is out there, ripe for the picking, and you and your big brain are ready to pluck away." |Workplace = Rainy Day Entertainment |Job Level 1 = 1) Live Chat Support Agent |Description 1 = Welcome to Babysitting 101! <sim first name> will be using their above-average intelligence for hours of gentle guidance and virtual handholding, exploring brave new limits on just how thinly one can veil sarcasm. |Wage 1 = §31/hour |Days 1 = Template:DayOff T W T F S |Hours 1 = 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM |Ideal Mood 1 = Focused |Promotion Tasks 1 = None |Daily Task 1 = Play Video Games |Bonus 1 = None |Pension 1 = Unknown |Job Level 2 = 2) Quality Assurance |Description 2 = <sim first name> has entered the exciting world of QA, the unsung heroes of software development. It’s the perfect job for people who feel like they break everything they touch! But hey, better they break it than the customer, right? Right?? |Wage 2 = §38/hour |Days 2 = Template:DayOff M T W T F Template:DayOff |Hours 2 = 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM |Ideal Mood 2 = Focused |Promotion Tasks 2 = Reach Level 2 Programming Skill |Daily Task 2 = Play Video Games |Bonus 2 = §375; Stainless Steel Auto-Pot |Pension 2 = Unknown |Job Level 3 = 3) Code Monkey |Description 3 = Congrats to <sim first name>! Now, instead of risking life, limb, and job pointing out the gaping holes in someone else’s code, they get to put all semblance of a life aside to program code based on someone else’s deadlines. At least there’s a benefits package! |Wage 3 = §47/hour |Days 3 = Template:DayOff M T W T F Template:DayOff |Hours 3 = 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM |Ideal Mood 3 = Focused |Promotion Tasks 3 = Reach Level 3 Programming Skill
Achieve Level 2 Video Gaming Skill |Daily Task 3 = Programming |Bonus 3 = §506; Computer Hard Drive |Pension 3 = Unknown |Job Level 4 = 4) Ace Engineer |Description 4 = Wielding a rare combination of technical and political skills, <sim first name> is carving their way up the ranks at last! While innovative work is still a faint glimmer on the horizon, it’s finally in view, and not everything <sim first name> does is totally mind-numbing. |Wage 4 = §63/hour |Days 4 = Template:DayOff T W T F S |Hours 4 = 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM |Ideal Mood 4 = Focused |Promotion Tasks 4 = Reach Level 4 Programming Skill
Achieve Level 3 Video Gaming Skill |Daily Task 4 = Programming |Bonus 4 = §633; The Sentinel |Pension 4 = Unknown |Job Level 5 = 5) Project Manager |Description 5 = <sim first name> has finally achieved the glory of middle management! They get to drive the schedule, squeeze hundreds of programming hours out of each week, work magic with budgets and play the jerk/ice queen everyone else gets to whine about. |Wage 5 = §73/hour |Days 5 = Template:DayOff M T W T F Template:DayOff |Hours 5 = 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM |Ideal Mood 5 = Focused |Promotion Tasks 5 = Reach Level 5 Programming Skill
Achieve Level 4 Video Gaming Skill |Daily Task 5 = Programming |Bonus 5 = §760; The Hipster Hugger |Pension 5 = Unknown |Job Level 6 = 6) Development Captain |Description 6 = <sim first name>’s got real power now. They don’t just manage measly one-off projects, no, their in charge of the development process for several groundbreaking products. Aye, aye, this is going to be fun! |Wage 6 = §78/hour |Days 6 = S M T W T F S |Hours 6 = 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM |Ideal Mood 6 = Focused |Promotion Tasks 6 = Reach Level 6 Programming Skill
Achieve Level 5 Video Gaming Skill |Daily Task 6 = Programming |Bonus 6 = §874; Innovator's Award for Excellence in Science |Pension 6 = Unknown




Sims in the tech guru career[]

  • Travis Scott - Quality Assurance
  • J Huntington III - Quality Assurance
  • Sergio Romeo - Quality Assurance
  • Akira Kibo - Live Chat Support Agent
  • Arun Bheeda - Quality Assurance
  • Dirk Dreamer - Development Captain
  • Grace Anansi - Live Chat Support Agent
  • Nova Curious - Ace Engineer
  • Lewis Sancho - Ace Engineer
  • Celeste Michaelson - Start-up Genius
  • Christopher Michaelson - Dot-Com Pioneer
  • Kasem Bun Ma - Independent Consultant
  • Nancy Brock - Live Chat Support Agent
  • Teruna Zaki - Pro Gamer
  • Collin Robertson - Dot-Com Pioneer

External links[]

  • Template:Wayback

Template:Careers es:Gurú tecnológico ru:Технический специалист
