The Sims 4 Wiki

Are you running out of simoleons and can't pay your bills? Or did you age up and turn into an elder and you would like to be young again? The Sims 4 has a variety of in-build cheats that players can use to facilitate their game play. There are different types of cheats:

WARNING: Cheats have the potential to ruin your game and save file. Use all cheats at your own risk. Make sure you keep a back-up of your saves to ensure your progress is not lost.

Cheat Console[]

In order to use any cheat codes you need to activate the cheat console. You can do this by:

  • If you are playing on a PS4 or XBOX, press all four shoulder buttons at once to open the cheat console.
  • Press ^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C while in game on a computer, or if you're on a Mac press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+C. This will open a console window in the upper left corner.
  • Enter the cheat code of your choice from the list below and then hit ⌅ Enter.

If you need to close the cheat console simply press ⎋ Esc.

Cheat Codes[]

This is a list of normal cheat codes that are useable with the base game. These codes do not require a code to be entered first for them to be used.

NOTE: You can copy and paste cheat codes for easy use!

Summary Cheat Code Result
Increase Family Funds kaching Your Family Funds will be increased by $1,000
Increase Family Funds rosebud Your Family Funds will be increased by $1,000
Increase Family Funds motherlode Your Family Funds will be increased by $50,000
Objects Can Be Placed Anywhere bb.moveobjects on You can now place objects anywhere on the lot
Make All Residential Lots Free FreeRealEstate On
FreeRealEstate Off
Your Sim can move into any residential lot for free

Testing Cheats[]

These cheats require that you activate the cheat "testingcheats on" before they can be used. You can do this by:

  1. Pressing ^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C while in game, or ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+c if you're on a Mac. This will open a console window in the upper left corner.
  2. Type "testingcheats on" in the console and press ⌅ Enter. This will enable the testing cheats. ("testingcheats 1", "testingcheats yes", "testingcheats true" will also work.)

NOTE: You can copy and paste cheat codes for easy use!

Summary Cheat Code Result
Reset stuck sim resetSim [firstname] [lastname] Resets the sim with given first name and last name by cancelling all his actions that may be preventing him from performing correctly.
Turn off death death.toggle true All sims will not die, regardless of what happens to them. They can not die of old age or fatal accidents.
Turn on death death.toggle false All sims will be able to die. This is the default value.
Turn on headline effects headlineEfects on Enables headline effects, for example: plumbob and thought bubbles.
Turn off headline effects headlineEffects off Removes effects like thought bubbles above the sim's head. Latest update:Also removes the plumbob.
Make all lots/houses/buildings free to buy freeRealEstate on When the player is in the "Manage Worlds" screen, he can get every single lot for free. This is handy when the player has run out of simoleons.
Disable automatic bills payment for the family household.autopay_bills false When automatic bill payment is disabled, the player has to go back to paying their bills through the mailbox or their sim's phone.
Enable automatic bills payment for the family household.autopay_bills true It is not needed to click on the mailbox or phone and pay your bills. The bills that you need to pay will be automatically subtracted from your household funds.
Remove all moodlets/buffs sims.remove_all_buffs Removes all positive and negative buffs from the selected sim.
Display fps fps on Display how many frames per second the game is currently running at on the screen
Remove fps-display fps off Remove the fps from the screen
Remove mouse hover effect hoverEffects off Disables the hover-effect when you place your mouse over a sim.
Enable mouse hover effect hoverEffect on Enables the hover-effect when you place your mouse over a sim
Change sim's name, traits and aspirations cas.fulleditmode After saving a household for the first time, it is not possible to change the name and traits of a sim. This cheat will allow you to do this.

USE: Press ⇧ Shift+←🖰 Left Mouse Button on a sim

Click on "Edit in CAS"

It is now possible to change the name, traits, walk-style etc.

Skill Cheats[]

These are cheats related to skills. These cheats require that you activate the cheat "testingcheats on" before they can be used. You can do this by:

  1. Pressing ^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C while in game, or ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+c if you're on a Mac. This will open a console window in the upper left corner.
  2. Type "testingcheats on" in the console and press ⌅ Enter. This will enable the testing cheats. ("testingcheats 1", "testingcheats yes", "testingcheats true" will also work.)

NOTE: You can copy and paste cheat codes for easy use!

Summary Cheat Code Result
Change Fitness Skill Level stats.set_skill_level skill_fitness #
  • Replace # with the desired skill level (1-10)
Current Sim being played will have the stated skill level and lose/gain appropriate interactions and abilities
Change Mixology Skill Level stats.set_skill_level major_bartending #
  • Replace # with the desired skill level (1-10)
Current Sim being played will have the stated skill level and lose/gain appropriate interactions and abilities
Change Charisma Skill Level stats.set_skill_level major_charisma #
  • Replace # with the desired skill level (1-10)
Current Sim being played will have the stated skill level and lose/gain appropriate interactions and abilities
Change Comedy Skill Level stats.set_skill_level major_comedy #
  • Replace # with the desired skill level (1-10)
Current Sim being played will have the stated skill level and lose/gain appropriate interactions and abilities
Change Fishing Skill Level stats.set_skill_level major_fishing #
  • Replace # with the desired skill level (1-10)
Current Sim being played will have the stated skill level and lose/gain appropriate interactions and abilities
Change Guitar Skill Level stats.set_skill_level major_guitar #
  • Replace # with the desired skill level (1-10)
Current Sim being played will have the stated skill level and lose/gain appropriate interactions and abilities
Change Gardening Skill Level stats.set_skill_level major_gardening #
  • Replace # with the desired skill level (1-10)
Current Sim being played will have the stated skill level and lose/gain appropriate interactions and abilities
Change Gourmet Cooking Skill Level stats.set_skill_level major_gourmetcooking #
  • Replace # with the desired skill level (1-10)
Current Sim being played will have the stated skill level and lose/gain appropriate interactions and abilities
Change Handiness Skill Level stats.set_skill_level major_handiness #
  • Replace # with the desired skill level (1-10)
Current Sim being played will have the stated skill level and lose/gain appropriate interactions and abilities
Change Logic Skill Level stats.set_skill_level major_logic #
  • Replace # with the desired skill level (1-10)
Current Sim being played will have the stated skill level and lose/gain appropriate interactions and abilities
Change Mischief Skill Level stats.set_skill_level major_mischief #
  • Replace # with the desired skill level (1-10)
Current Sim being played will have the stated skill level and lose/gain appropriate interactions and abilities
Change Painting Skill Level stats.set_skill_level major_painting #
  • Replace # with the desired skill level (1-10)
Current Sim being played will have the stated skill level and lose/gain appropriate interactions and abilities
Change Piano Skill Level stats.set_skill_level major_piano #
  • Replace # with the desired skill level (1-10)
Current Sim being played will have the stated skill level and lose/gain appropriate interactions and abilities
Change Programming Skill Level stats.set_skill_level major_programming #
  • Replace # with the desired skill level (1-10)
Current Sim being played will have the stated skill level and lose/gain appropriate interactions and abilities
Change Rocket Science Skill Level stats.set_skill_level major_rocketscience #
  • Replace # with the desired skill level (1-10)
Current Sim being played will have the stated skill level and lose/gain appropriate interactions and abilities
Change Video Gaming Skill Level stats.set_skill_level major_videogaming #
  • Replace # with the desired skill level (1-10)
Current Sim being played will have the stated skill level and lose/gain appropriate interactions and abilities
Change Violin Skill Level stats.set_skill_level major_violin #
  • Replace # with the desired skill level (1-10)
Current Sim being played will have the stated skill level and lose/gain appropriate interactions and abilities
Change Writing Skill Level stats.set_skill_level major_writing #
  • Replace # with the desired skill level (1-10)
Current Sim being played will have the stated skill level and lose/gain appropriate interactions and abilities

Building Cheats[]

These are the cheats related to building. Some cheats may require that you enter "testingcheats on" before you use them. It is not required to be in build or buy mode while entering these cheats in the console window.

NOTE: You can copy and paste cheat codes for easy use!

Summary Cheat Code Result
Place Objects Anywhere bb.moveobjects on WARNING: The game play can become buggy when using this cheat, because of objects overlapping each other or being in a faulty position, always make sure you have a backup of the working version of the game. This cheat can place objects and furniture in places the game would normally not allow. Combine furniture to make larger furniture.
  • Press 9 to raise an object while holding it
  • Press 0 to lower an object while holding it
Enable Building Anywhere bb.enablefreebuild You can now build anywhere, including on lots that were previously un-editable.
Show Hidden Objects in Build/Buy Catalog bb.showhiddenobjects You can now purchase hidden objects from the buy/build catalog.
Previously known as "buydebug" cheat in The Sims 3.
Increase/Decrease Object Size No Code Used You can press ⇧ Shift+] to make an object bigger and ⇧ Shift+[ to make an object smaller. ^ Ctrl+Z will reset the object.
Unlocks All Career Items in Build Catalog bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement You can now purchase any Career item from the build catalog.

Career Cheats[]

These are the cheats related to jobs/careers for your Sim. Your Sim needs to already have a job in the career you wish to promote or demote them in. If the Sim cannot be demoted anymore, they will be fired. You cannot demote a Sim past the level where they choose which career path to take, they will be fired.

NOTE: You can copy and paste cheat codes for easy use!

Relationship Cheats[]

These cheats are related or affects relation ship between sim and sim. be careful when using, Like other games, Be careful with the cheats.

Summary Cheat code Description
Increase friendship level modifyrelationship [firstname+lastname targetsim] [firstname+lastname ] [amount] LTR_Friendship_Main Increases friendship bar to the set amount of the target sim. Note that this cheat will only increase the friendship between the target sim and the other sim, but not the other way around.

USE: modifyrelationship Bella Goth Mortimer Goth 100 LTR_Friendship_Main

modifyrelationship Mortimer Goth Bella Goth 100 LTR_Friendship_Main

Increase romance level modifyrelationship [firstname+lastname targetsim] [firstname+lastname ] [amount] LTR_Romance_Main Increases romance bar to the set amount of the target sim. Note that this cheat will only increase the friendship between the target sim and the other sim, but not the other way around.

USE: modifyrelationship Bella Goth Mortimer Goth 100 LTR_Romamce_Main

modifyrelationship Mortimer Goth Bella Goth 100 LTR_Romance_Main

Sources Used[]
